Art Installation in the New District of Södra Änggården

Public art plays a central role in the development plan for Södra Änggården. This communal artwork will help us achieve the vision of a more beautiful urban life. Artists can now apply for the commission of an art installation in the new district of Södra Änggården (currently Högsbo industrial area). Apply for the commission by 28 October. In each block, property developers work with artists to integrate art. Additionally, the developers of Södra Änggården have allocated funds for a communal artwork in the public environment.

The circle shows where the artwork will be installed.


The current Högsbo industrial area will be transformed into a mixed-use city with housing, a school, shops, offices, and parks. The new district is adjacent to the recreational area of Änggårdsbergen. The first section to be developed is the area north of A Odhners Gata, where approximately 1,900 new homes will be built. This new district is called Södra Änggården.


The task is to create a site-specific artwork for one of the pocket parks along Fältspatsgatan. The thematic focus is urban narratives and movement. The artwork should enhance the area's connection to Änggårdsbergen Nature Reserve.


Two to three selected artists or artist groups will receive a fee of 50,000 SEK excluding VAT for producing a sketch proposal. No compensation is given for submitting expressions of interest. The fixed budget for the execution, production, and installation of the artwork is 2,300,000 SEK excluding VAT.


The procurement is conducted by the collaborative organisation Södra Änggården. Initially, artists must submit an expression of interest to create a sketch proposal for the artwork. From these, two to three artists or groups will be selected. In the next stage, these artists will develop a sketch proposal to present to a jury from Södra Änggården.


To apply for the commission, you need to be a professional artist. In this context, this means you have at least five years of higher education in the arts or equivalent experience.

Apply Now!

Submit your application to

Development Partner is contracted by Södra Änggården to manage the application process.

Please provide the following with your application:

Please provide the following with your application:

  • Contact details
  • CV
  • Description of artistic practice and motivation, max half A4
  • Portfolio with three to five completed art projects from the past ten years, with images and brief descriptions including the year, location, and context. Maximum 15 pages. Please note that the portfolio should be in pdf format and not exceed 15 MB

Ask a question

All questions should be emailed to:
Questions and answers will be published anonymously on this page.

When is the deadline for applications?

Expressions of interest must be submitted by 28 October 2024 at 23:59. See above for what to include.

How should I submit my application?

Via email to the address found on this page.

What is the timeline for the project?

In November, selected artists will be called for interviews. Contracts for sketch work will be signed in November/December, with the goal of starting in December 2024/January 2025 for about two months. Sketches will then be presented to the jury. The chosen artwork is planned to be installed in Q1 2026, though this is a preliminary timeline and will be finalised in agreement with the selected artist and the collaborative organisation.

Who will be on the jury?

The jury consists of representatives from Södra Änggården and an art curator appointed for the project.

Are there any specific guidelines for the artwork?

The task is to create a permanent artwork for the new neighbourhood. The overarching theme is movement and narrative (kinetics and storytelling). The organisation also desires the artwork to incorporate elements of playfulness.

What criteria will be used to select the artists?

To apply, you need to be a professional artist, meaning you have at least five years of higher education in the arts or equivalent qualifications.

If I am selected to create a sketch proposal, how much time will I have?

We estimate the sketch work will take about two months.

Where can I find further information and ask questions?

Questions should be sent to the email above. All questions and answers, as well as any supplements or changes, will be published on this website. The last day to submit questions is 18 October 2024, with answers provided by 21 October 2024.

When will the selected artists be notified?

Information will be posted on this website in November. Notifications will not be sent by email.